- 答:问问纯厅则说有敏感内容,不伏祥让做棚我贴,所以你就点击这个link吧
- 答:如下:
On the eve of the American Civil War, Scarlett, a young girl living in the south, was beautiful and rebellious. Scarlett fell in love with the handsome young man Ashley, but Ashley chose the kind Melanie.
Scarlett was so jealous that she married Melanie's brother Charles. Unfortunately, the civil war killed Charles and Scarlett became a widow.
After the war, Scarlett met Rhett, who was elegant and independent. He soon proposed to her and she agreed. When the confused Scarlett found the true love of this life, love left her again.
- 答:简介:这篇小说以南北战争为背景,以两条情节为线,即女主人公的爱情悲闭租蔽剧及南方奴隶主在战轿州争中的节节失败,展示了动乱年代南方战国人民的生活,同时作者也型亩表露出反对奴隶制,支持北方革命的思想。女主人公在家情上不断受挫,最后陷入孤零境地,充满悲...
Synopsis: South of this novel north the war is a background, take twoplots as the line, namely heroine's love tragedy and southslave-owner's in war essively defeat, had demonstrated south theyears of upheaval the Warring States people's life, simultaneously theauthor also revealed north the opposition slavery, supports thethought which revolutionizes. The heroine unceasingly suffers setbacksin the home sentiment, finally falls into the alone region, fillssadly